Momentum interactive fund factsheet

Can we evolve fund marketing from products to story-telling?


Traditional fund distribution via financial advisors is a product-led sales process, the conversation dominated by metrics and projections. Many investors find these conversations tedious and fail to make a connection.

As asset managers establish direct contact with investors, fund marketers can transform client interaction, shifting focus wrapping products in compelling narratives. Using technology and data, markers can create personalise narratives that investors can connect with.

What are the pain-points?


Engage investors

Removing intermediaries and establishing direct contact with investors requires new marketing thinking.

Automate fund reporting

Data sourcing and management is a challenge compounded by regulatory and technical complexities.

Personalise content

Deliver a “segment of one” digital experience requires new toolkit that can combine content, data and technology.

Embedded Fund Portal to evolve marketing communications

Icon Portfolio

Fund reporting

Personalisation-enabled fund explorer, drilling into interactive fund factsheets with full suite of charting and data visualisations.  

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Documents library

Central distribution hub for the entire range of marketing and regulatory documents, easily accessible through an intelligent taxonomy system.

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Fully embedded

The Fund Portal is fully embedded in the website, connected to the CMS for data sourcing and editorial control. 

Project profile

Momentum Global Investment Management is a leading London-based asset manager. The firm designs, builds and manages outcome-based investment solutions, delivered through multi-asset portfolios and tailored client solutions.

Driven by the need to combine fund data with engaging content and narrative, we build an Umbraco content platform with a dedicated Fund Portal based the Invessed platform.

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Momentum documents library
Invessed Lavalamp

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All client interactions begin on digital. A challenge - but also an opportunity.